Small laser printer for Ubuntu - recommendations?

Liam Proven lproven at
Tue Sep 7 13:20:25 UTC 2021

On Mon, 6 Sept 2021 at 09:42, Chris Green <cl at> wrote:
> I'm after a small, i.e. reasonably transportable, laser printer that
> works well with Ubuntu (actually xubuntu but that makes no odds).
> Mono is fine, a scan facility would be really nice.

My little Lexmark E120N came off Freecycle a decade ago. Apart from a
few years in storage, it ran all that time on its original toner
cartridge. Recently needed a new fuser unit (about €20) but now prints
as good as new.

Cheap home/personal monochrome laser printers are good. Mine has USB
but also the all-important USB port. If it works on a network, it
should work with anything: Windows, Mac, Linux, whatever. Plugs into
my home router so it's accessible wirelessly too.

Unlike inkjets, they don't care if they sit unused for months. I
bought a cheapo refilled toner cartridge; works fine. (The original
owner gave me a little chip to override its unauthorised-toner
detection, but I've never needed it.)

Liam Proven – Profile:
Email: lproven at – gMail/gTalk/gHangouts: lproven at
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