Small laser printer for Ubuntu - recommendations?

rikona rikona at
Mon Sep 6 19:11:14 UTC 2021

On Mon, 6 Sep 2021 23:28:50 +0800
Bret Busby <bret.busby at> wrote:

<BIG snip>

> For Australian news, my primary source, of laypeople news, is
> and, for coronavirus news in Australia,

You might want to check out - they have
a lot of info re your part of the world, especially re China [click the
China tab for lots of details]. And, given how hard China is trying to
destroy the paper, it might be good info. :-))

>  - apparently, some of Trump's followers in Australia, have been
> convincing less educated people in Australia, that vaccinations to
> minimise the risk of the coronavirus, involve injecting bodily fluids
> from Satan into the body, turning vaccinated people into rabid
> satanists, and so, some Australian religious people are trying to
> exorcise the demonic work of the Trumpettes.

Too off-topic to reply here - I'll reply on the off-topic list --  
Off topic list <itsbuntoff at>

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