Small laser printer for Ubuntu - recommendations?

Bret Busby bret.busby at
Mon Sep 6 15:28:50 UTC 2021

On 06/09/2021, Gene Heskett <gheskett at> wrote:
> On Monday 06 September 2021 10:07:37 Bret Busby wrote:
>> On 06/09/2021, Gene Heskett <gheskett at> wrote:
>> <snip>
>> > Clearly, I have too many hobbies. I'll be 87 in a month, and will
>> > probably fall over before I get it done, but I'm a survivor, and he
>> > isn't ready for me yet, so the medics keep patching me up.
>> > Pacemaker, bunch of stents and a heart valve so far. Pacemaker
>> > battery is rated for 10 years. Got 7 to go. ;-)
>> Someone's got to ask...
>> Is the pacemaker Linux compatible?
> I didn't see enough of the manager screen the last time it was checked to
> tell what it ran for an OS. I was working on fencing my place, and hit
> the pacemaker a good, should have smashed it, blow with the knob on the
> end of a 30 lb tamping rod, and drove myself to the ER to get it
> checked. It, and I survived. I'm on stuff to supress the natural
> heartbeat so the pacemaker supposedly does it all.
>> :)
> And I should ask you how the truck strike is doing? The English speaking
> MSN hasn't mentioned it. If it wasn't for the underground net sites, we
> would not have any real news at all. Just the daily junk about the
> Kardasians.

I understood that the truck drivers strike in Australia, was only a 24
hour thing. We have multiple delivery problems in Australia, with
Australia Post in two or three states, having stopped parcel
collections for four days, due to a backlog of undelivered parcels,
and, I think, in Sydney or New South Wales, alone, about 500 of
Australia Post's staff being in isolation. And, due to the general
incompetence of businesses and companies in Australia (having followed
other idiots in the world, as Australia often does), we have massive
"supply chain problems", where supermarkets are unable to keep their
shelves stocked, and this is why, in conjunction with the degree of
poverty in Australia, Australia ran out of toilet paper. It is all
compounded in Australia, by the feral government apparently making
allocation of distribution of vaccines, dependent on whether a state
government is of the same coalition as the feral government, with the
states like this one, which has a state government of the same
political party as the feral opposition, being refused provision of
our proportional entitlement of vaccines. But then, this is a country
where the people in power believe that the latest, greatest,
technology is the steam engine, burning as ,much coal as possible,
which is why, in Australia, the feral government coalition has a
special meaning, with the emphasis on the "coal" part of the world

But, then, the feral parliament has never really regarded this state
as part of Australia - only a target for pillaging.

It had occurred to me that, if your pacemaker was Linux compatible,
you could have lots of fun with it - retrieving data (would that be
possible?), so, getting output like an ECG, and, via Linux and its
applications, using the output (apart from monitoring it for your
health), to make music - it could make for interesting music.

And, ... if it could be programmed..., like one of those raspberry pie
making machine thingies, think of the fun you could have, getting it
to play music like Fur Elise, or, The March Of The Siamese Children.
Those could make for interesting ECG printouts... The possibilities
are endless. Although, I think a pacemaker implementing the rhythm of
something like Also Sprake Tharathustra, could be problematic...

For Australian news, my primary source, of laypeople news, is
and, for coronavirus news in Australia,
 - apparently, some of Trump's followers in Australia, have been
convincing less educated people in Australia, that vaccinations to
minimise the risk of the coronavirus, involve injecting bodily fluids
from Satan into the body, turning vaccinated people into rabid
satanists, and so, some Australian religious people are trying to
exorcise the demonic work of the Trumpettes.

Anyway, ,,,

Whilst I haven't mentioned it before in this thread (now getting back
to topic), because the decision seems to have gone the way of the
Brother stuff (does anyone else remember the television series "Oh,
Brother"?), after Samsung Printing was taken over by HP, we tried a
Lexmark printer (see
which my missus uses with MS Win10, and I use with UbuntuMATE (prev
20.10, now 21,04), and, I did not need to install anything to print to
it by WiFi - it was simply detected and printing works without
problems. She had had problems with an HP MFP laser printer, even with
MS Windows, and, mostly, it was too difficult to get working, so, it
sits in its box, for the cats to use as a climbing thing, or, as
something to jump over.

I use my Samsung MFP for scanning, but, when I can, I intend to get
another Lexmark (see

Whilst the scanning apparently needs wired connectivity (via USB), I
think that would not be a problem (assumedly) for the original poster,
although, I am not sure whether these two Lrexcmark devices would be
sufficiently portable, for the original poster.

With the original message, although I do not know whether such a thing
exists, I had the impression that the original poster was looking for
a laser printer equivalent of the type of inkjet printer that used to
be available - named mobile inkjet printers, because I understand that
they were about the size of a"laptop" PC battery, making them the kind
of thing to carry with one hand (or, in the laptop bag), with the
laptop bag in the other hand.

Bret Busby
West Australia

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