What tools to work with pkgs installed thru snap system

Ian Bruntlett ian.bruntlett at gmail.com
Thu Nov 25 16:48:52 UTC 2021

Hi Bo,

On Thu, 25 Nov 2021 at 16:40, Bo Berglund <bo.berglund at gmail.com> wrote:

> Question:
> ---------
> How can i find out what it has installed using snap and how can I then
> remove
> that crap? I do not want any new applications on my upgraded system, I do
> the
> server upgrades *only* for security reasons...
> And the applications not part of stock Ubuntu Server are installed by me
> using
> apt and I want it to remain like that.

I looked at the snap man page. From that, I used this command to list
installed snaps:
snap list

I can't comment on uninstalling snaps other than to note that the man page
notes there is a "snap remove" command to "Remove snaps from the system".



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