A system without systemd?
sdtc at sonicboom.org
Sun Nov 21 05:59:32 UTC 2021
Took a look at Devuan tonight as a result of this thread. I much enjoyed
the older but very familiar looking no mouse required installer.
On 11/17/2021 2:46 AM, Liam Proven wrote:
> On Tue, 16 Nov 2021 at 17:55, Jose Luis Alarcon Sanchez
> <jlalarcon at planetmail.net> wrote:
>> It's possible take out systemd from an Ubuntu system?, and that system
>> will run correctly?.
>> What steps must follow for it?.
>> Thanks, very much, in advance.
> Not as far as I know, no, it is not.
> However, Ubuntu is derived from Debian. Debian publish instructions on
> how to install without systemd:
> https://wiki.debian.org/systemd#Installing_without_systemd
> Others have more info:
> https://sysdfree.wordpress.com/2020/07/02/319/
> https://dquinton.github.io/debian-install/helps/17-remove-systemd.html
> https://linuxconfig.org/how-to-replace-systemd-with-sysv-init-on-debian-linux
> So, first, if you wish for a computer with an Ubuntu-like OS without
> systemd, first install Debian and get to know it.
> There is also a fork of Debian which does not have systemd at all, and
> also removes all other programs that need systemd. It is called
> Devuan.
> https://www.devuan.org/
> I have a test installation of Devuan and I quite like it. It is very
> similar to Debian, but slightly lighter-weight.
> As I understand it, the latest release of Devuan has added back the
> GNOME desktop removed from older Devuan releases. I do not like or use
> GNOME myself, but this is impressive, because several parts of GNOME
> depend on systemd.
> My Devuan system runs the Xfce desktop, which works very well.
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