
Ralf Mardorf kde.lists at
Fri Nov 19 19:41:42 UTC 2021

Technical explanation

On Fri, 19 Nov 2021 20:02:52 +0100, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
>I'm 55 years old. I can test my hearing abilities against
>digital recordings I've done, when I was araound 25 years old.

by e.g. comparing an audio signal measurement of old recordings with a
high pass filter that actually fits my hearing abilities nowadays

>I can turn on my broken CRT television set without hearing the bleep. I
>accidentally noticed the bleep by an audio measuring, while in
>another room my television set was turned on :D.

audio of the television set muted, the beep doesn't come from
audio components ;)

if you should own a CRT computer monitor, you can set up an xorg.conf
to produce bleeps by non-audio components, even of a monitor that isn't
broken. Just use a higher vertical refresh rate, than your monitor
is able to do. It will not produce such a high frequency bleep as a
broken television set, so quasi everybody is able to hear it, but it's
the same phenomenon. Note, a modeline that does result in a frequency,
higher than the monitor can go, could damage the monitor and btw. it's
also visible at the top and bottom of the screen.

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