
Ralf Mardorf kde.lists at
Fri Nov 19 19:02:52 UTC 2021

On Fri, 19 Nov 2021 19:54:21 +0100, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
>On Fri, 19 Nov 2021 10:34:57 -0800, MR wrote:
>>I did get psychological testing about 8 months after my ordeal and it
>>showed I was perfectly sound of mind.  
>Actually it says that you do not need a legal guardian, you are able to
>drive a car, you are able to manage daily routines etc., but you are
>not necessarily as fit in rocket science with Long Covid as you were
>Btw. I don't know if you suffer from Long Covid or anything else.
>Likely everything is good :).
>I was a professional audio engineer and I notice radical hearing
>loss when doing audio engineering just for fun. When doing medical
>hearing tests, my hearing is well. Actually medical hearing tests in
>Germany just check, if the hearing is within telephone audio quality

PS: ...and that the hearing abilities are up to the age ;).

I'm 55 years old. I can test my hearing abilities against
digital recordings I've done, when I was araound 25 years old. I can
turn on my broken CRT television set without hearing the bleep. I
accidentally noticed the bleep by an audio measuring, while in
another room my television set was turned on :D.

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