Share Home between 2 releases

Grizzly Real_Grizz_Adams at
Thu Nov 11 22:43:55 UTC 2021

11 November 2021  at 14:38, Jonesy via ubuntu-users wrote:
Re: Share Home between 2 releases (at least in part)

>>On Thu, 11 Nov 2021 at 09:19, Grizzly via ubuntu-users
>><ubuntu-users at> wrote:

>> I will have to fire up gparted (?) to see if my "Dir not Partition" was 
>> correct, I (IIRC) let the installer do the grunt work, so could be wrong?
>Why gparted?  
>There are several command line ways to check.

>$ df

>$ mount | grep /home

Because both if those (for me here) didn't show home at all, I assumed I had 
done something wrong so gparted would show me the structure of (all) the drives 

but that to did not, so I must assume my initial statement was correct?

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