how to determine network device names

Gene Heskett gheskett at
Mon Nov 8 13:19:17 UTC 2021

On Monday 08 November 2021 07:14:38 Little Girl wrote:

> Hey there,
> hput via ubuntu-users wrote:
> >Little Girl <littlergirl at> writes:
> >> ip address | grep "BROADCAST" | cut -d' ' -f2 | cut -d':' -f1
> >
> >wlp2s0
> >
> >I think that is a wireless device ... I want ethernet
> Interesting. From Gene Heskett's reply in this thread, it should give
> you a list of all available devices.

I'm Gene. The only machine out of 6 here that has more than 1 net device 
is an rpi4.  

Its wifi is disabled by rfkill because I have never set ihe region, a 
convenient way to keep a neighbors cell phone from useing 80 gigs a 
month of my bandwidth by sneaking in on my side of a dd-wrt flashed 
router But the device is still listed. It does not have to be up and 
functioniing. I replaced a wifi equipt router out in an outbuilding with 
a fast hub, for the same reason. 

> >`ip route' gives no output at all so cannot pass it on

If you don't have a route, you don't have a net.
> >
> >Also since I posted this query I discovered `ip link' too.
> >
> >  `ip link' also shows the same wireless device
> Does it also show any other devices or just that one?
> >I have wireless turned off at the keyboard but the last address this
> >laptop had was a wireless address.
> I believe it will keep that device until it's told not to.
> >How can I dredge up or create an ethernet device?
> This page shows how to disable wireless network access in Ubuntu:
> And this page shows how to enable wired network access in Ubuntu:
> >I guess it is passe these days but:
> >
> >I'm pretty sure ifconfig would dredge it up if it were available but
> >I guess that is old fashioned.
> Yeah, that command is no longer used. It limited hardware addresses
> to 8 bytes, so it's been replaced.

And for those of us still in ipv4 territory, thats been painfull.  Here 
in north central WV, the nearest ipv6 enabled connection is probably in 
Pittsburgh, 160+ miles up the superslab. Since I can get, if I want to 
pay for it, a 50 megaBYTE connection from my local cable, but can play a 
you tube video with a 10 megabaud basic, I don't need that 50 megabyte 
and its cost.

> --
> Little Girl
> There is no spoon.

Cheers, Gene Heskett.
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 soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
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