Ubuntu 20.04 on raspberry pi

Oliver Grawert ogra at ubuntu.com
Sun May 30 10:34:40 UTC 2021

Am Sonntag, den 09.05.2021, 22:56 +0100 schrieb Zahid Rahman:
> Hi,
> I am waiting for my arrival of raspberry pi
> Which will allow the installation of 64 bit ubuntu 20.04.
hopefully this is a pi4 ... while you can run arm64 on a pi3, even
32bit based SW will allocate 64bit adresses, this eats quite a bit more
ram so better do not run 64bit on a 1GB device ...

... also note that ubuntu on the pi got quality wise a lot better and
more stable in 21.04. unless you really really require to use the LTS
i'd go with the latest release (most of the fixes will be backported to
20.04 eventually but that will still take time) ...

> Another words same OS as running on my laptop.
> I am currently using   ssh  or vnc  to remote login on to the 32 bit
> raspberry pi
> I  believe ubuntu  has software which  will allow me to remote login
> with an appearance of gnome. 
> What is that software called so  I can install on my laptop ,   any
> instruction on how to remote login  To  64 bit raspberry pi using
> that.
with the default desktop there is nothing you need to install, it comes
with built in screen sharing by default, you just need to enable it in
the desktop settings ...

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