Problems recording the line output on laptop

MR ZenWiz mrzenwiz at
Sat May 29 20:02:23 UTC 2021

On Sat, May 29, 2021 at 1:48 AM Colin Law <clanlaw at> wrote:
> This describes how I do it

Regrettably, that does not work for me.  Let me explain.

I have ALSA and pavucontrol installed - they're the default, if I'm
not mistaken.

When I start Audacity, I click the microphone icon in the top bar and
select "Start Monitoring."  This shows me what audacity will pick up
when I click record.

If my microphone is set to "default" or "pulse", I get no response at
all.  The only response I get is on "sysdefault" and that works fine.

Except - after that when I click record and open the sound control
mixer (pavucontrol) from the panel, in the Recording tab it says no
applications running that are recording, even though audacity is.

It also shows only Analog Duplex Mono or Stereo in the Configuration
tab.  There is no other device pavucontrol sees for configuring the
input or output devices.

It's probably something screwy in the way LG presents the devices.  As
I said before, my desktop never has this problem whether I'm using the
built in mic/spkr jacks or my USB Logitech headset.  It sees all the
devices from which to choose.  The LG does not.



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