
J.Witvliet at J.Witvliet at
Fri May 28 12:06:13 UTC 2021

Hi all,

Anyone around with positive experiences with finger-print-protected USB-sticks?
I was looking at "luxwallet"

>From their OWN product description:
- Ondersteunt 360 graden vingerafdruk. Maximaal 6 vingerafdrukken kunnen worden toegevoegd
- Plug en play. Na installatie is de stick gemakkelijk te gebruiken.
- Leessnelheid is tot maximaal 150 MB/s, schrijf snelheid is 4 MB/s
- USB Stick formaat: FAT32
- Flash memory type: TLC
- Compatibiliteit systeem: windows XP/SP3/Vista/7/8/8.1/10 (64bit) /Linux/Mac
- Management software systeem: windows XP/SP3/Vista/7/8/8.1/10 (64bit)

In order to use the product, one has to initialize it, by reading/installing an admin-fingerprint, and (upto 5) user-fingerprints.
And the tool for doing so, is windows only
I tried running it, using "wine" on a U18.04 system, but all I got was a pop-up window saying it could not find the "U:" drive...

Their helpdesk just said: "You need (once) a windows machine."
Personally, I would rather not.

Met vriendelijke groet,
Hans Witvliet, J, Ing., DMO/OPS/I&S/APH, Kennis Team Opensource
Coldenhovelaan 1 Maasland 3531RC Coldehovelaan 1, kamer B213

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