Bluetooth query

Sorin Srbu sorin.srbu at
Fri May 28 05:56:20 UTC 2021

On Thu, 2021-05-27 at 14:18 +0100, Peter Flynn wrote:

> Bluez may or may not work, I cannot say (see below). The problems are:
> 1. device never recognised (scan repeatedly shows no devices)
> 2. device is listed in a scan but not indentified by name/type
> 3. device is listed and identified but never pairs
> 4. device appears to pair, but refuses to connect
> 5. device pairs and connects, but never appears in applications
> 6. device appears in applications, but does nothing

Pretty much my own observations as well.
Both I and my linux ops counterpart at work got new nice headsets from well-
known brands in the beginning of the pandemic, with the intention to be able
to connect to both our respective ubuntu computers as well as the android
phones for pratical reasons. However, we can't get these to work properly
with *ubuntu with even one source, much less two.

How did we get here with this sad state of affairs re bluetooth?
Wish I was more of a dev to be able to sort this out...

In any case, we resorted to usb-headsets and or headsets with the old-school 
3,5 mm jacks. :-/USB and regular audio jacks works, but adds yet another
cord to keep out of the way.


Sorin Srbu, Serverdrift
Tele: 08-524 84166
Karolinska Institutet Universitetsbibliotek
Avdelningen för Verksamhetsstöd
Enheten för Teknikstöd och Bildproduktion

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