OT - smartphones and their place - was - Re: Free token for 16.04 Extended Security Maintenance

Ralf Mardorf kde.lists at yahoo.com
Fri May 14 18:39:54 UTC 2021


I can imagine a society able to treat smartphones in a useful way, but
I don't expect to witness such a society within my lifetime. Here in
Germany at the moment people tend to use smartwatches for pedometer
contests and they really believe it would promote health. Those people
are as remote-controlled as a Oxycontin or Crystal Meth addicts are,
that's quite the opposite of healthy. The smartphones were misused to
condition the masses like Pavlov's Dogs. At lest whenever people have a
few seconds time, they are gaping at their smartphones, usually they do
this, even if they don't have time to do so. Since they don't really can
do something useful with the technology, they use it for all kinds of
idiotic things, such as counting how often they moved their legs, or
for sharing pictures of meals served in a restaurant or for sharing
employment related things by "social" networks, something that is
forbidden in Germany, due to privacy issues, even when doing so by
closed groups, it's anyway common practice.


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