Is a command available to free space of deleted file

Bret Busby bret.busby at
Tue Mar 30 14:03:26 UTC 2021

On 30/03/2021, Bret Busby <bret.busby at> wrote:
> Hello.
> I am using UbuntuMATE 20.10 .
> Is a command available, to free the space clogged up by a deleted file?
> .xsession-errorts

That should have been .xsession-errors .

> decided to eat my home partition free space, and
> grew to 32GB, so, I deleted it in the PCManFM file manager, using
> <SHIFT><DEL> .
> But, it clearly did not delete the file, as, while the file
> "officially" no longer exists, the partition is still full, with no
> free space, and, I need to free the space that the file still
> occupies, even after being deleted.
> Thank you in anticipation.
> --
> Bret Busby
> Armadale
> West Australia
> (UTC+0800)
> ..............

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