Upgraded to 20.04 and now my VNC connection no longer works...

Bo Berglund bo.berglund at gmail.com
Fri Mar 5 16:56:53 UTC 2021

On Fri, 05 Mar 2021 15:55:18 +0100, Oliver Grawert <ogra at ubuntu.com> wrote:

>Am Freitag, den 05.03.2021, 15:37 +0100 schrieb Bo Berglund:
>> So if vnc4server has been dropped from the Ubuntu repository, what
>> alternatives
>> are there to use a headless Ubuntu 20 via VNC?
>vnc4server has been dropped from VNC ... 
>debian and ubuntu just inherit that ... 
>you should be able to use their new package: tigervnc-standalone-server
>(no idea if the configuration is still compatible though)


so I have googled further and found a number of alternatives:
- TightVNC
- X11VNC
- TigerVNC
(and there might be more...)

So now I would like to know if a package like tightvnc is *available* via apt,
but without installing it.

Is there a command to check the availability of a package in the apt repository
without actually installing it?

I am confused by the behaviour of apt install, because sometimes it works to
check things and then asks if I want to continue with the install.
But other times it just performs the installation directly, which is not really
optimal (the confusion, I mean).

So is there another way to know if a package is actually present on the apt

Googling just gives me responses on how to check what apt has *already*
installed on my system...

Btw, who is maintaining TigerVNC? Is it the RealVNC company or someone else?

Bo Berglund
Developer in Sweden

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