How do we disable the snap stuff

Owen Thomas owen.paul.thomas at
Tue Jul 27 01:02:14 UTC 2021

I'll buy into this...

On Tue, 27 Jul 2021 at 05:25, Ralf Mardorf via ubuntu-users <
ubuntu-users at> wrote:

> While it's annoying that nowadays an update easily could ruin an audio or
> video production, it's still just a little evil, given that we can do
> things nowadays, we couldn't do with way more expensive old computers
> and analog gear in the past at all.
> Regards,
> Ralf

I do like the fact that things are much more accessible today than they
have been in the past. However, some hardware manufacturers sacrifice small
but really good feature sets (they'll put them in then remove them) for the
sake of some parable of standardisation.

My classic example: the touchpad disable feature, available on most
laptops, has been removed as an internal feature of the touchpad. I have
had to find a solution in software, which does not disable button clicks,
to work around the problems removal of this feature from the hardware has
created. The solution I have landed on now is buggy in that once the
touchpad is disabled, it sometimes cannot be re-enabled without rebooting.

There you go...

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