Replacements for Firefox and Thunderbird?

rikona rikona at
Fri Jan 15 21:39:19 UTC 2021

I agree this is quite off-topic. But, I also note that it seems to have
struck a strong note with several people, and, in its own right, is an
important topic. Is there any interest in setting up an off topic list?
If no 'official' interest, perhaps a nonofficial list could be set up.

If you have an interest or additional comment PLEASE REPLY TO ME
**DIRECTLY** - NOT TO THE LIST, and we'll see what can be done.


> *snip*
> On behalf of the moderation team can I please ask we return this
> topic back to the intended purpose. There is no issues asking for
> alternatives to programs on this list but we're not here to discuss
> issues outside Ubuntu's control and would like to remind people about
> the mailing list's FAQ - -
> for any questions about what is and isn't appropriate.
> Regards,
> Jared Norris
> (on behalf of the moderation team)

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