Replacements for Firefox and Thunderbird?

Ralf Mardorf kde.lists at
Wed Jan 13 20:17:07 UTC 2021


it depends. What do you need? Claws is a nice MUA, with less
dependencies, but lacks comfortable HTML, outgoing message filters and
several other features. On some machines Claws GTK2 branch suffers from
a serious issue, so you might need to build the GTK3 branch, which
fortunately isn't hard to do.

Regarding a browser I would recommend against Pale Moon, TOR and Co, if
you really want to get rid of Firefox. The only Firefox clone that would
probably fit your wish might be IceCat, but raw formulated "IceCat is
not compatible with the Internet". An alternative might be Falkon.
Again, it depends on what you want to do with the browser. If you
dislike the new Firefox poolicy, it's hard to recommend other browsers.
I liked Opera, but upstream did a step into the wrong direction, too.

I'm using different browsers for different purposes, even
Google-Chrome, which unlikely will run on my Intel GPU on Ubuntu, with
the dropped "intel" driver and only the "modesetting" driver available.
I didn't test it on Ubuntu yet, but finished a test on Arch Linux today,
so I'm back with kernels <5 and the "intel" driver. It's a shame that
Intel support is broken and that there's no recovery in sight. Yes,
yes, several users will now claim that their Intel PCs run without
issues ... mine did, too ;), it still does with 4.19, still supported
longterm kernels. How long will yours run without issues? Kernel
updates will follow.

Btw. on my machine Firefox suffers from hangs, too, when using the
"modesetting" driver.

IOW if you chose a new mailer and/or browser, do also some research
about Linux hardware support and interaction with the software.


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