Power outage now my server asks for fck, what to do?

Ralf Mardorf kde.lists at yahoo.com
Wed Jan 6 15:12:19 UTC 2021

On Wed,  6 Jan 2021 09:40:48 -0500 (EST), Robert Heller wrote:
>At Wed, 6 Jan 2021 14:03:45 +0000 "Ubuntu user technical support,  not
>for general discussions" <ubuntu-users at lists.ubuntu.com> wrote:
>> But the so-called "digital education" provided nowadays is worse
>> than having no digital education at all.  
>Yes, indeed.


There's absolutely no chance to correct people teaching completely
wrong things, if they were still not born, when I already wrote 6502
Assembly code, still without a macro assembler available. They've got
the education to be a pedagogue and they read articles about computer
security and visited further training done by people who read articles
about computer security. Non of the articles they read where written by
somebody from the CCC, Schneier or were from any halfway valuable

It's as mentioned by the link posted by Liam. They don't understand the
difference between basics, but claim to understand the difference about
everything that is based upon those basics.

They always know better! Indeed I've seen a lot of computer education
done on German elementary schools that without doubts was way more
worse than no computer education at all. Those pedagogues or volunteers
where completely clueless, teaching abstruse opinions, that aren't
based on any facts.

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