Zoom client on lubuntu 18.4

Chris Green cl at isbd.net
Thu Feb 18 12:03:23 UTC 2021

On Thu, Feb 18, 2021 at 12:51:55PM +0100, Gilles Gravier wrote:
> Hi!
> On 18/02/2021 11:58, Ian Bruntlett wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I'm just checking - is there a zoom client in lubuntu 18.04's software
> > repositories? I can't seem to find one.
> >
> > If not, I think that I need to download the .debs from zoom.us
> > <http://zoom.us> for Ubuntu 16.04+ from zoom.us <http://zoom.us>
> >
> >
> Today you need to download debs from their web site. It sucks. So I
> asked their support team about having repositories just beginning of
> February. :)
> Here is their answer:
> "DEB repositories had been released two months ago but had been closed
> due to some web security issue.
> It will be reopened once the web team finished the security rectification.
> As of now, a tentative ETA is the end of March but that can change."
> So we have some hope. I much prefer repositories than SNAP!
Yes, I agree, snap and similar solutions are just temporary 'sticking
plaster' fixes IMHO.  If everything moved to snap our disk drives
would be full again and every time there was a security fix in a basic
library we'd have to re-install every snap application that used it.

It's mainly only needed because everyone wants the very latest version
of a program and aren't patient enough for the next release of the
underlying OS.

The ultimate solution would be to have a separate computer for each
program, that's where snap is trying to move us. :-)

Chris Green

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