Bluetooth support (was: Re: ZTE phones as modems on Beaver - anyone try that?

Peter Flynn peter at
Sat Dec 18 15:15:29 UTC 2021

On 18/12/2021 14:14, Mike Marchywka wrote:
> you could spam these guys for example,
>  man hciconfig | grep "@"

I'd rather not. I reported it as a wishlist item because unless I could
supply the devs with a pair of the identical headphones to test, there
is no way they are going to spend time on a bug they cannot reproduce.

> For example, "1999" is an invalid date but "2000" is not because it 
> thinks this is HHMM instead of YYYY or even ms since epoch. I never
> would have guessed or wanted that. [...]> I was using it to clean up dirty dates

Messy task :-) Getting everything into ISO 8601 is hard.


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