Using dnsmasq I now have two IP addresses - help!

Chris Green cl at
Sun Dec 5 15:20:49 UTC 2021

Continuing my saga of trying to get dnsmasq to work properly on my
[x]ubuntu 21.10 system I now have *two* IP addresses, though on the
other hand it is configuring itself correctly to use the DNS server on
my LAN.

I have done the following:-

    Disable systemd.resolved

    Install dnsmasq

    Install dhcpcd5

Without dhcpcd5 the system doesn't configure correctly for the DNS
server. Now it configures /etc/resolv.conf and /run/dnsmasq/resolv.conf 
correctly and mostly works.  However it has *two* IP addresses on my
LAN which does confuse things somewhat.

Does anyone have any idea how to diagnose and/or fix this?

Chris Green

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