How do you make Libreoffice 7 menus READABLE?

Bret Busby bret.busby at
Mon Aug 16 12:50:16 UTC 2021

On 16/08/2021, M. Fioretti <mfioretti at> wrote:
> (Re-sent without the attached screenshot mentioned below, that the
> list software blocked because too big. Hopefully the issue is clear
> anyway)
> ----- Forwarded message from "M. Fioretti" <mfioretti at> -----
> On Mon, Aug 16, 2021 07:42:52 AM +0000, Sorin Srbu wrote:
>> Hello Marco!
>> Have a look at menu Tools/Options/Libreoffice/Personalization.
>> Fiddle around with those. Does it help setting those for better contrast
>> etc?
> Hi Sorin, and thanks for the prompt answer. What you suggest solves
> part of the problem, as shown in the attached screenshot. If I select
> another theme, I do get light gray background for the toolbar, which is what
> I want. However:
> 1) the top menu entries (File, Edit etc...) remain unreadable, because
> they stay another shade of gray, instead of turning black
> 2) the drop-down menus for selecting font or paragraph style remain
> black background, white text. Better than gray on gray, sure, but not
> good yet.
> So, what next?
> Thanks.
> 		Marco


I suggest that you try the GUI that I am using.

Firstly, the installation that I have of Libre Office, in the Writer,
shows as being .

The text in the drop down menu's that I have, is black, on a much
lighter background,

I am running UbunutuMATE 21.04, and, in the Control Center -> Look And
Feel -> Appearance -> Themes, I have the theme named "TraditionalOk"
(I have the taskbar and control panel set to be across the bottom of
the screen).

This gives a GUI similar to MS Windows 95, or the fvwm one, I believe
(I haven't seen either, for  a couple of decades, now, so, I could be
wrong, in the perceived similarity), to which some may object, due to
their personal preferences, but, in the context of your problem, your
problem does not appear in this environment.

This is my preferred interface.

I suggest that you try the combination that I have described, and,
advise of the outcome.

Bret Busby
West Australia

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