How to get rid of bad chrs?

rikona rikona at
Mon Aug 2 19:54:56 UTC 2021

On Mon, 2 Aug 2021 10:00:18 +0200
Ralf Mardorf via ubuntu-users <ubuntu-users at> wrote:

> I forgot to mention that the chars used for directory and file names
> also don't matter when using tar to create an archive. Depending on
> the used Microsoft FAT file system, the files size of the archive
> could become an issue.

I'm learning this more and more, it's a problem sometimes.

> Linux support for some file systems isn't good, some Microsoft file
> systems belong to those file systems, 


> Btw. on an iPad hidden directories are invisible, so I need to care
> about this, too.

I noticed that there also seems to be a hidden file for each visible
file. A PITA when copying photos/files from an Apple product. Is there
a way to copy JUST the file and not the hidden file(s)?

> Portability is probably the reason that there's not much choice how
> to name directories and files by my DSLR camera. The names are very
> short and an extremly limited character set can be used.

Yes!!! Back a bit, I was copying photos from multiple sources, into one
large collection. I had 'duplicate names' and I guess I let some to be
overwritten - then I discovered some pix I knew I had were missing! I
finally figured it out, but not before losing some older pix I really
wanted to keep. I now have some work-arounds for that...

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