How to get rid of bad chrs?

Ralf Mardorf kde.lists at
Mon Aug 2 08:00:18 UTC 2021

On Mon, 2 Aug 2021 02:31:51 +0200, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
>Either format the drive to use a compatible file system or use "tar".
>Inside an archive permissions and attributes are preserved on what ever
>file system it's written.  


I forgot to mention that the chars used for directory and file names
also don't matter when using tar to create an archive. Depending on the
used Microsoft FAT file system, the files size of the archive could
become an issue.


PS: Limits of file systems - Excerpts from a hoard of anecdotes

A while back I run out of inodes [1] in /tmp, when building a package.
Linux reported disk full, but a few GiB were still available. IOW "disk
full" is a vague message. An example how to see free inodes:
$ df -i /tmp/
Filesystem     Inodes IUsed  IFree IUse% Mounted on
tmpfs          409600   245 409355    1% /tmp

Linux support for some file systems isn't good, some Microsoft file
systems belong to those file systems, but at least there's no risk of
data corruption by using a Microsoft file system shared by Linux and
other operating systems. However, when using HFS Plus to share data,
loss of data can happen. Nevertheless for sharing data between
Linux and Apple I'm still in favour of HFS Plus. On Linux I run
fsck.hfsplus each time a disk to share data is connected, if it was
connected to an iPad before. All the data has got backups on a secure
file system.

Btw. on an iPad hidden directories are invisible, so I need to care
about this, too.

Sometimes I'm using Windows 10 with NTFS running in Virtual Box to
backup iPads, iPadOS seemingly APFS or iOS 9.3.5 as far as I know HFS
Plus and to save data to a shared Linux ext4 folder. Sometimes file
names are a mess, since a user can't always choose how to name a
directory or file.

Portability is probably the reason that there's not much choice how
to name directories and files by my DSLR camera. The names are very
short and an extremly limited character set can be used.


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