soft phone SIP client

Grizzly Real_Grizz_Adams at
Sat Sep 12 12:37:48 UTC 2020

12 September 2020  at 0:10, Nicholas Saunders wrote:
soft phone SIP client (at least in part)

>I have Twinkle and Linphone, but not really a fan of either.  Any 
>particular recommendations for a softphone client?

>Biased towards FOSS without any proprietary components, but looking for 
>simplicity.  Softphones in the Android store seem far more sophisticated 
>than what I see in apt.

Any reason not to use Empathy (replaced Ekiga in Ubuntu distro's in 2009)
my net is so slow I have not used any VoiP but as it is part of the distro it 
may be worth a try?

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