soft phone SIP client
J.Witvliet at
J.Witvliet at
Sat Sep 12 11:01:33 UTC 2020
Try jitsi (cliƫnt)
From: "Nicholas Saunders" <saunders.nicholas at<mailto:saunders.nicholas at>>
Date: Saturday, 12 September 2020 at 09:11:40
To: "ubuntu-users at" <ubuntu-users at<mailto:ubuntu-users at>>
Subject: soft phone SIP client
I have Twinkle and Linphone, but not really a fan of either. Any
particular recommendations for a softphone client?
Biased towards FOSS without any proprietary components, but looking for
simplicity. Softphones in the Android store seem far more sophisticated
than what I see in apt.
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