can not get tty to beep in 16.04 , even echo bel failed lol ( \a )

Jonesy SPAM_TRAP_gmane at
Wed May 20 15:39:16 UTC 2020

On Wed, 20 May 2020 11:26:06 +0000, Mike Marchywka wrote:
> I've got a script that can fail but I often gloss over the error 
> message. I also have a script to highlight text in various ways so for 
> now I decided to just pipe the error message into the highlighter but 
> I wanted an audible alert.

Look into calling `zenity` or `kdialog` to pop up an error message 
that you cannot "gloss over".  :-)   Bog simple.

 . . . unless you're speaking of a server (non-desktop) environment.

  Marvin L Jones    | Marvin      |  | linux
   38.238N 104.547W |  @ | Jonesy     |  FreeBSD
    * Killfiling google &

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