Revelation & encryptpad

Charles IRONS irons.charles at
Wed May 13 16:09:13 UTC 2020

-----Original Message-----
From: David Fletcher <dave at>
To: ubuntu-users at
Subject: Re: Revelation & encryptpad
Date: Wed, 13 May 2020 16:37:23 +0100

On Wed, 2020-05-13 at 16:45 +0200, Charles IRONS wrote:Thanks David.
Revelation sounds excellent. I hope it is easy to find& install.
I've been using Mint with Mate on desk and laptop for a while, becauseI
didn't like what was done to gnome and it wouldn't work with my
verysmall laptop anyway. Revelation is in the repositories with those
butnot encryptpad for which I had to use a ppa.
I wonder if encryptpad could keep Revelation contents reallyprivate??
?? They're completely different things for different purposes. I
alwaysuse the --encrypt-home with adduser on the laptop so that there
is anadditional layer of difficulty for a thief.
Dave**************************Thanks Dave for the blazing fast reply. I
will find Revelation and learn about encryption.:-D

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