Revelation & encryptpad

Charles IRONS irons.charles at
Wed May 13 14:45:59 UTC 2020

-----Original Message-----
From: David Fletcher <dave at>
To: ubuntu-users at
Subject: Re: Password Safe
Date: Wed, 13 May 2020 14:14:27 +0100

On Wed, 2020-05-13 at 10:19 +0100, Colin Law wrote:
<snip>Sometime in the past I swapped from something else to Revelation.
Can'tremember why I swapped, but I do remember that I did everything by
copyand paste. Yes that is laborious, but it's an opportunity to tidy
up,clear out the accumulated rubbish of web sites that have closed
down,replace pass codes with better ones etc. Looks like I did this
about 8years ago. It has facilities for making folders to separate
shopping,banking etc.
However, I just looked and it has import/export facilities for a lot
ofdifferent formats.
Footnote - there's something else I use for plain text files that Iwant
to be absolutely confidential. It's a plain text editor thatencrypts
before saving called encryptpad.
Hopefully useful info for somebody.
Dave**************************Thanks David. Revelation sounds
excellent. I hope it is easy to find & install.
I wonder if encryptpad could keep Revelation contents really private??



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