
Ralf Mardorf silver.bullet at zoho.com
Tue Mar 31 05:21:47 UTC 2020

On Mon, 30 Mar 2020 22:10:29 +0200, Tom H wrote:
>Up to now, users have chosen vendor repositories over snaps/flatpaks.
>Which is strange given that we all use containerized apps on Android
>and iOS

and iPadOS. Old releases of iOS are way more annoying than modern
releases are and when Apple migrated from iOS to iPadOS, the iPad got
rid of some limits. What I'm trying to say is that we, or at least I,
usually dislike the restrictions of iDevices. Some people are using
iDevices or Android devices, because there is no alternative for
smartphones. I don't own a smartphone at all, I'm in favour of landline
and the reason that I own iPads is, that Linux pro-audio software can't
compete with the pro-audio software provided for less money for the iPad
and for drawing the advantage of a 12.9" touch screen with an Apple
Pencil 2 is not far to seek, even for those who tend to disagree
regarding pro-audio. However, even iPadOS 13.4 still suffers from
inconveniences when sharing files between applications and some other
pitfalls. For good reasons less people chose Docker on Linux or jails
on FreeBSD to set up a desktop home computer. Snaps and flatpacks suffer
from the same pitfalls as the container approach does cause for
iDevices, but they also suffer from teething problems iDevcises never
had. Btw. due to the design Android devices can't be used for pro-audio.

Users stand the annoyances caused by the containerized approach and the
vendor restrictions of iDevices and Android devices, when those devices
offer something they can't do that good or at all, when using a Linux
device, but nobody likes the pitfalls of iDevices and Android devices,
so for a Linux PC users should avoid introducing such
additional pitfalls.

Right now there is a thread on the Evolution mailing list, because
upgrading the Flatpack of Evolution caused a loss of the language
locale. Manual intervention is required to fix it. If you follow
several mailing lists of applications you will read threads about
issues, that can't be solved when using sanps or flatpacks.

Users only get more security and one or the other advantage of a
container on the cost of losing something else. A container isn't the
Holy Grail.

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