I've lost sudo access and I don't really understand why

Chris Green cl at isbd.net
Wed Mar 18 20:54:24 UTC 2020

I'm running xubuntu 19.10 and I've somehow lost the ability to sudo to

I *suspect* the cause was doing a usermod command to add my user to
group vboxusers (so that VirtualBox USB works).  Since I did that I get
the following error when I try to do anything as root using sudo:-

    ris at esprimo$ sudo reboot
    [sudo] password for chris: 
    Sorry, user chris is not allowed to execute '/usr/sbin/reboot' as root on esprimo.zbmc.eu.
    chris at esprimo$ 

So how do I get my root access back (and at the same time not lose
being in vboxusers for VirtualBox)?

Chris Green

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