Fujitsu lifebook A544, after bios update, kacpid using processor

Sorin Srbu sorin.srbu at
Tue Jul 28 12:55:10 UTC 2020

On Tue, 2020-07-28 at 14:20 +0200, Liam Proven wrote:
> [Conflating my replies]
> On Mon, 27 Jul 2020 at 19:24, Colin Law <clanlaw at> wrote:
> > The app actually updated to 1.24 (I think) and I saw the problem but
> > then found there was a 1.25 and updated to that, but it didn't help.
> I am at least glad my paranoia is not over-reacting.
> > I am seeing the same problem with 19.10 (I tried that rather than 18.04)
> > Listening to the fan is getting tedious :(
> No better? Oh dear. :-(
> Googling the machine, it is getting on a little... is it possible that
> the firmware update uncovered an overheating issue that was already
> there?
> Are there any BIOS options about limiting performance?
> It may also be worth stripping it, giving the cooling subsystem a
> thorough clean, and maybe replacing the thermal grease between CPU/GPU
> and heatpipe.

Had a similar problem a few years ago with rising temperatures and constant-
on fans.
Opened up the laptop and found lots and lots of dust inside.
Was way better after some blowing with canned air and very careful

Then shortly after, the stationary did the same thing, so again I opened up
the computer and cleaned out the dust cakes blocking the air channels and
On this machine there was an improvement, but the cpu fan was still roaring
all the time.
Decided to remove the cooler and sink and check what the local OEM has used
there - there was only a smallish dab on the middle on the cpu, less than a
pinky finger nail in size. 
The dab I thought was thermal grease had dried up completely and came off in
a small cloud of dust when I poked it...

Cleaned and applied new thermal grease and the computer went on to live
quietly and fast until recently, when I replaced that homebrew with a HP
Z440 powerhouse instead.

It's not always software problems. :-)


Sorin Srbu, Serverdrift
Karolinska Institutet Universitetsbibliotek
Avdelningen för Verksamhetsstöd
Enheten för Teknikstöd och Bildproduktion
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