need file bzip2.pc

Oliver Grawert ogra at
Fri Jul 24 09:58:21 UTC 2020

Am Freitag, den 24.07.2020, 11:29 +0200 schrieb Lentes, Bernd:
> stay healthy
> ----- On Jul 24, 2020, at 10:15 AM, Bjoern Voigt bjoernv at
> wrote:
> > 
> > Bernd Lentes wrote:
> > > 
> > > we are currently trying to install a CPAN package.
> > > But it's complaining about a missing file called bzip2.pc.
> > > I find it neither on the disc nor in the internet.
> > > Also apt-file doesn't find it.
> > > 
> > > Ubuntu is 16.04.
> > There is no file bzip2.pc in Ubuntu (tested with 18.04). I would
> > recommend to file a bug report.

> Would it make sense to copy the file from a Sysuse system
> (i have several ones) ?
> I just installed it on a SuSE and it just contains text:
> ha-idg-2:~ # less /usr/lib64/pkgconfig/bzip2.pc
> prefix=/usr
> exec_prefix=/usr
> bindir=/usr/bin
> libdir=/usr/lib64
> includedir=/usr/include

you would have to very carefully craft the data in there to match the
required debian/ubuntu paths and values ... 

note that this file does not exist upstream [1], was added to SuSE as a
distro patch only last year [2] and does not exist in debian either [3]
 ... even if it was added to ubuntu via a similar distro patch you
wouldnt see it added to something as ancient as 16.04 ... 

IMHO this is rather a bug in the CPAN package you are trying to use.
hard depending on such a distro patch isnt really portable ... 
(OTOH Federico Mena Quintero should really have upstreamed it as well
within that year of carrying it in SuSE :) )




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