Anyone knows how to get streamlink 1.5 installed on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS?

Bo Berglund bo.berglund at
Fri Jul 10 13:28:22 UTC 2020

On Fri, 10 Jul 2020 15:11:52 +0200, Ralf Mardorf via ubuntu-users
<ubuntu-users at> wrote:

>Is there any reason that you need 1.5 already 3 days after it was

Yes there is:
I installed streamlink a while ago in order to be able to download
live streams that had already begun. Streamlink managed to do that so
I could get the video from the start and not only from the time I
happened to discover it.
This worked fine for several months, but then Youtube changed the way
they do the streams and after that streamling was unable to go
backwards in the live stream and find the start.
The web browsers (in my case Firefox) on the other hand are able to do
this. But since the streams "air" in very awkward times for me I used
streamlink to capture them at night and then view them in the morning.

No longer possible, but I had hoped it would be fixed in the latest
release 1.5...

>If so, the solution is also very easy, just build the package

Regarding building from source, I am not versed in how that would be
done and whith what tools etc...

I have now discovered that 1.5 is available for download as a Windows
binary build, so I have retrieved it and will test on my Windows
system if it is able to "rewind" a live stream to the start.
But this Windows system sits on a slow mobile broadband connection,
whereas my Ubunty server sits on a 250/100 Mbit/s fiber link, so I am
not expecting the Windows system to be able to do this.
Will try though...

Bo Berglund
Developer in Sweden

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