Anyone knows how to get streamlink 1.5 installed on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS?

Ralf Mardorf kde.lists at
Fri Jul 10 13:11:52 UTC 2020

On Fri, 10 Jul 2020 14:12:28 +0200, Bo Berglund wrote:
>sudo add-apt-repository ppa:nilarimogard/webupd8
>sudo apt update
>sudo apt install streamlink
>Works fine and a check shows this:
>$ streamlink -V
>streamlink 1.4.1
>But the next step is confusing:
>$ streamlink --version-check
>[cli][info] A new version of Streamlink (1.5) is available!
>So even though 1.5 is available the installation delivers the 1.4.1
>What can I do to get 1.5 instead?
>Any help appreciated!


the explanation for this is very simple. The third party repository
provides a package of version 1.4.1. It was packaged 2020-05-04, see
, but released 2020-04-24. After 1.4.1 no other version but 1.5.0 was
released, at 2020-07-07, this was 3 days ago, see .

Is there any reason that you need 1.5 already 3 days after it was
released? If so, the solution is also very easy, just build the package

You are aware that software from official Ubuntu LTS repositories will
be way more "outdated" until end of life? Ubuntu is a release model
distro, not a rolling release and apart from that "long term support"
is quasi for not changing the software versions for a very long time.
Nearly no software provided by those repositories will ever receive an
update to a newer version. Depending from which official repository you
installed the software, it will or will not receive security patches,
but no update to a newer release. Take a look at the descriptions of , , , .


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