How can I investigate the cause of total hang? Is there some information that I should pay attention to in order to get some hint?

John R. Sowden jsowden at
Thu Jul 2 19:58:41 UTC 2020

I have also been getting a hang (next time I will check the Caps key).  
I went to the
/var/log/systog file and found 36,765 entries about a minute apart.  At 
12:53 I copied the last 6 lines:

Jul  2 12:52:26 sentry35 upowerd[1080]: unhandled action 'unbind' on 
Jul  2 12:52:26 sentry35 upowerd[1080]: unhandled action 'bind' on 
Jul  2 12:52:31 sentry35 kernel: [58564.777763] usblp0: removed
Jul  2 12:52:31 sentry35 kernel: [58564.792516] usblp 1-5:1.0: usblp0: 
USB Bidirectional printer dev 2 if 0 alt 0 proto 2 vid 0x04F9 pid 0x0434
Jul  2 12:52:31 sentry35 upowerd[1080]: unhandled action 'unbind' on 
Jul  2 12:52:31 sentry35 upowerd[1080]: unhandled action 'bind' on 

Unfortunately I (1a) don't know what th messages mean, and (b) how to 
fix the problem.



On 7/2/20 4:17 AM, Colin Law wrote:
> On Thu, 2 Jul 2020 at 07:11, 孙世龙 sunshilong <sunshilong369 at> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> My x86 machine sometimes hangs, suddenly not responding in
>> any way to the mouse or the keyboard.
>> How can I investigate the cause of total hang? Is there some
>> information that I should pay attention to in order to get some hint?
> Does the Caps Lock light still go on and off when you hit the key?  If
> not then the machine has probably crashed completely.
> On reboot look in /var/log/syslog to see what it says.
> Colin
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