Upgrade Question
MR ZenWiz
mrzenwiz at gmail.com
Thu Jan 30 17:58:38 UTC 2020
On Thu, Jan 30, 2020 at 4:52 AM Jay Ridgley <jridgley2 at austin.rr.com> wrote:
> Good Morning,
> Can I migrate from 16.04 LTS to 20.04 LTS when it becomes available or
> do I need to get 18.04 LTS installed first?
> Thanks,
> Jay
I've had too many problems when upgrading between releases to do it at
all. I recommend doing a fresh install.
That said:
I have my system booting from an SSD, and I have two of them. When a
new LTS release comes out, I swap the SSDs and do a fresh install of
the new system on the swapped-in drive.
My home (and other non-system directories) are all on different drives
from the boot drive. I find this to be the most flexible solution,
although given that I only reinstall once every two years, it's not a
huge problem.
Mark Richter, Senior MoTS
Registered Linux User #472807 http://counter.li.org/
FSF Member #12694 http://www.fsf.org
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