OT: best FOSS wiki for this classroom scenario?

Stuart McGraw smcg4191 at mtneva.com
Wed Feb 26 18:40:48 UTC 2020

On 2/26/20 10:25 AM, Liam Proven wrote:
> On Wed, 26 Feb 2020 at 18:00, Stuart McGraw <smcg4191 at mtneva.com> wrote:
>> These days I am using Emacs with Org mode.  It does outlining /
>> section folding very naturally.  Of course Emacs is a difficult
>> sell for some people but I've been using it for a few decades so
>> that's not a problem for me.
> I had high hopes for ErgoEmacs:
> http://ergoemacs.org/
> The original author is more than slightly mad but the tool is useful.
> However, in its new incarnation as an "official" ELPA addon, I've
> found it impossible to configure -- it requires more Emacs knowledge
> than I possess. I have only managed to get the old standalone package
> to work, and I am unable to communicate with the package maintainers.
> Their instructions contain statements like "add this to your
> (particular emacs config file)". When I say "I don't _have_ an Emacs
> config file", they are unable to understand this -- _everyone_ has an
> Emacs config file. Saying "I have the standard clean install of the
> Ubuntu/Debian/Devuan/openSUSE Emacs and my config file is not there
> and I don't know where to put it" baffles them.

Wow, haven't seen Xah Lee's name in a long time.  I'm afraid ErgoEmacs
is a little too late for me, repeatedly typing Cntl and y with one hand
wrecked it a long time ago. :-)

Despite being a long time user I only know the little corner I need to
to do normal text editing things and the only config file I know of is
~/.emacs which in my case if full of mysterious and inscrutable stuff
copy-pasted from various dubious places over the years.

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