fstab question - now T420 boot order

Colin Law clanlaw at gmail.com
Mon Aug 10 09:19:30 UTC 2020

On Mon, 10 Aug 2020 at 01:17, Phil <phillor9 at gmail.com> wrote:
> On 9/8/20 6:24 pm, Colin Law wrote:
> >
> > In the BIOS if you look at the boot device order what do you see?  Can
> > you photo it and post an image?  Unless my knowledge is out of date
> > (which is possible) the Intel Boot Agent is designed for booting over
> > the network, if you don't need to do that then, assuming it appears in
> > the boot device list, then move it down the bottom.  The SSD should be
> > at the top.
> Thank you Colin,
> I noticed, when this reboot problem first occurred, that the Boot Agent
> list does not include the SSD. I searched and searched for an answer but
> nothing turned up and since nothing in the BIOS had been changed I
> assumed that the cloned SSD was the problem. Plus, Windows will reboot
> and so I thought that also ruled out a BIOS option.
> F1 brings up the BIOS menu. Network Boot is set to the SSD by default.

I don't understand how Network Boot can have a disk selection.  I
would have thought that you would want Network Boot disabled.
However, I don't know this particular BIOS so I may be misinterpreting
what is meant.

> F12 brings up a Boot Menu which shows a list as follows:
> ATA HDD0: the SSD
> I cannot see how I can move the SSD to the top of the list.

That should be ok as is, if you plug in a bootable DVD then it will
boot off that but that should not be a problem.

> The boot Agent list is as above but without the SSD.

In that case I don't understand what the Intel Boot Agent is.  Reading
the first paragraph of
doesn't seem to match what you are seeing.  It should appear in the
boot order for it to be invoked and it isn't in your boot list at all.
When it is invoked it should allow booting from the network rather
than a disk.


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