Help please rebuilding package with different compile time options

stan stanb at
Sat Apr 4 12:08:56 UTC 2020

I need to compile linssl with the enable-weak-ciphers option. We have over
400 Mikrotiks installed, and the api to connect to them for monitoring uses
a really open version of SSL, that is no longer sported by default in the
open-SSL build. These are on an isolated internal network, and we have this
working on an older system, but need to upgrade to current version of

I am thinking the best way to do this is download the source package, change
the compile time options, and rebuild our own custom package.

This process seems to have changed, and the documentation I found refers to
an older way of creating patches for Debian packages. The new method seems
to involve a tool called quilt, but I cannot seem to find a good document
that goes through he process of doing this.

I think I need to modify the CONFLAGS variable in the rules file, correct,
but how do I create the diff for creating anew package?

"They that would give up essential liberty for temporary safety deserve
neither liberty nor safety."
						-- Benjamin Franklin

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