Two problems with UbuntuMATE 19-10 - mouseover and shotwell

Ralf Mardorf silver.bullet at
Sun Oct 27 19:43:30 UTC 2019

On Sun, 27 Oct 2019 14:20:04 -0400, Little Girl wrote:
>I can't remember if it's installed by default or not, but if not, it's
>in the package manager.


it's possible to reset the value by command line by running

  gsettings reset org.mate.panel tooltips-enabled

or to enable it by setting it to "true" by running

  gsettings set org.mate.panel tooltips-enabled true

To check the current value run

  gsettings get org.mate.panel tooltips-enabled

Informations about the settings are provided and editing settings could
be done with the commands "dconf" and "gsettings", see

  man dconf
  dconf help
  man gsettings
  gsettings help

The commands could be used in scripts, you e.g. could pipe output to
search for something, e.g.

  gsettings list-schemas | grep panel

Actually dconf is just a configuration file, see

  ls -hl ~/.config/dconf/user
  file ~/.config/dconf/user
  strings ~/.config/dconf/user

Unfortunately it's a binary blob ( ) and unfortunately
not everything seems to be editable with the "dconf" and "gsettings"
command, sometimes it's seemingly required that in the first place a
value needs to be set by an application's preferences menu, before
editing it via the commands seems to be possible.

Dconf is one of the most painful steps in the wrong direction ever made.


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