Problems with Mate

Little Girl littlergirl at
Mon Oct 14 18:57:35 UTC 2019

Hey there,

Bill wrote:

>> Just curious, but what do you get when you run this command:
>> gvfs-mime --query inode/directory
>> I suspect you won't be seeing caja-folder-handler.desktop when you
>> run it and will probably be seeing Firefox in there.  
>WS=> You were right!  Here is the output  
>gvfs-mime --query inode/directory
>Default application for 'inode/directory': firefox.desktop
>Registered applications:
>     engrampa.desktop
>     firefox.desktop
>     org.kde.gwenview.desktop
>     caja-folder-handler.desktop
>Recommended applications:
>     engrampa.desktop
>     firefox.desktop
>     org.kde.gwenview.desktop
>     caja-folder-handler.desktop

Hmmm, it's got both firefox.desktop and caja-folder-handler.desktop.
I'm not sure if this fix will work for you, but we'll see.


>WS=> This sounds like this is my problem.  What file do I have to
>edit to correct the problem.  I will use "Xed" ( a simple text
>editor ) to make the changes.

You have a couple of choices:

The information that controls the behavior is in two mimeapps.list
files on my system (Ubuntu MATE 16.04):


Since you're using Mint 18.3, it might be in a different place or
places on your system. You can use this command to find it:

	locate mimeapps.list

To fix the issue, you can make a slight modification to the
instructions on the page
(since those are for Nautilus instead of Caja) by using Xed to edit
each of those files (you'll need elevated privileges to edit the one
in /usr/share/applications since that's not owned by the user) and
change the line that starts with "inode/directory=" to match this


Or you can open a terminal and run this slight modification of the
command from the page
(since the command on that page is for Nautilus instead of Caja) to
create the necessary symbolic links:

	sudo ln
	-s /usr/share/applications/caja.desktop /usr/share/applications/caja-folder-handler.desktop

>I don't like to use emacs or other text editors because they are not
>very user friendly.

I totally agree that Emacs isn't user-friendly, but that's definitely
a matter of opinion. Emacs is kind of like a religion and you'll find
folks who are on either side of the user-friendly fence, some of them
extremely passionate. My editor preference is Geany.

>WS=> Do you have any idea on how the change was done?  I want to
>know so I can avoid doing that again.

From what I'm seeing on the pages I've been linking, it was probably
an upgrade you did that caused it. It could have been anything,
though. You'll want to think back to what you've recently done on
your computer, whether it was configuring something, installing
something, updating or upgrading something, etc. Either way, if this
fixes it, you'll know what to do if it happens again.

Little Girl

There is no spoon.

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