How do I report a bugs against the upgrade tool from 19.04 to 19.10

Francis Grizzly Smit grizzly at
Fri Oct 4 05:59:46 UTC 2019

I upgraded my old crappy box to 19.10 beta from 19.04, things did not go 
well the upgrade tool eoan did not run well I could not get many of the 
buttons to work by clicking I had to use tab and enter, then the thing 
that's supposed stop it locking fail while I was asleep; woke up it was 
locked, and when I tried to unlock it I just got a blank screen.

I had to ssh in to it find out what was going on I found it was stuck I 
gave it an hour to come out of it, it didn't, so I killed the processes 
with sudo kill -1 pid-of-the-python-program pid-of-the-shell-script then 
I rebooted it by sudo shutdown, and ssh in again and it was still sick 
and half done, so I called sudo apt upgrade, which didn't work but gave 
me the dpkg (sudo dpkg --configure -a) command to use, I ran that and it 
cleaned it up a lot, and I was able to login to gnome-shell it was still 
on version 3.32.2 and was a little messed up but worked, I tried the 
update-manager -d &, that gave me a partial upgrade program which 
failed, in the end, I fixed it with sudo apt-get dist-upgrade and 
running the normal update-manager program till every thing was up to 
date, now it's fine but it took much drama to do it


    .~.     In my life God comes first....
    /V\         but Linux is pretty high after that :-D
   /( )\    Francis (Grizzly) Smit

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