Any suggestions for library administration software please?
Udvarias Ur
udvarias1 at
Sun Nov 17 22:17:15 UTC 2019
Dear Mr. Fletcher,
As I am also interested in Open Source library software I read this
thread with some interest.
I was disappointed with the responds and though, they neither helpful
nor answered your question, so I searched (once again) for a solution.
I found this
Check Out Open Source Library and Collections Management Software -
The article at above URL specifically states that Koha, "… developed for
public libraries in New Zealand …", is "… scalable to libraries of
different sizes, from small private collections to large,
geographically-remote library systems with multiple branch locations."
There are a number of other suggestions in the article. Koha, because it
is scalable, and the oldest (and therefore most mature) is likely the
best bet.
Hope this helps!
On 2019-11-16 09:53, David Fletcher wrote:
> My girlfriend is in Kathmandu at the moment. She's been trying but
> failing to get a laptop set up with database software for a new
> community library that's being built in an area to the north that's
> been ravaged by earthquakes. The building is up, books are being
> delivered, and she's carried a pack of 1000 serial numbered membership
> cards and other materials there.
> Apparently internet connections in the community are sketchy to say the
> least.
> I've been doing a little searching with Google and discovered projects
> such as Evergreen, BiblioteQ and Koha but can't locate anything in the
> repositories, which would be ideal.
> Please, does anybody know of any solutions?
> Regards,
> Dave
Udvarias Ur
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