Suddenly... No wifi!

Thomas Tanghus thomas at
Sat Nov 16 06:58:41 UTC 2019

On Saturday, 16 November 2019 05.56.52 CET Ralf Mardorf via ubuntu-users 
> It could have been worse, than 6½ hours to find a hidden switch. It's
> more annoying to need 6½ days to find a huge red flashing button. It's
> said that smoking does shorten lifetime for around 10 years. I bet we
> waste more than 20 years of our lifetime by missing huge red flashing
> buttons. So instead of stopping to smoke and being annoyed to waste 6½
> hours to find a hidden switch, we should stop failing to notice
> all the giant-sized red flashing and loud beeping buttons surrounding
> us.

Amen to that, in a non-religious way.


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