Suddenly... No wifi!

Ralf Mardorf silver.bullet at
Fri Nov 15 19:16:22 UTC 2019

On Fri, 15 Nov 2019 19:27:24 +0100, Thomas Tanghus wrote:


I'm not using NetworManager. Instead of taking a look at journalctl I
would use systemctl status. I also wouldn't use the restart command,
but restart by the stop and start commands and then check by using the
status command:

sudo systemctl stop   NetworkManager.service
sudo systemctl start  NetworkManager.service
systemctl      status NetworkManager.service

Also consider to take a look at nmcli, by running

nmcli help
man nmcli

and perhaps by googeling. If you should use a snap, the service might
have a different name, Google mentions snap.networkmanager.


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