Firefox 67.0 NOT WORKING

Ralf Mardorf silver.bullet at
Thu May 23 09:36:18 UTC 2019

On Thu, 2019-05-23 at 09:04 +0000, Mike Marchywka wrote:
> If you had seen my earlier post on the thread that was my first point
> although I don't think I mentioned the similar issue with chrome that the
> thing on PATH is a script hiding an executable but yes you can eventually find it.

[rocketmouse at archlinux ~]$ which -a firefox
[rocketmouse at archlinux ~]$ ldd /usr/bin/firefox
	not a dynamic executable
[rocketmouse at archlinux ~]$ ldd /bin/firefox
	not a dynamic executable
[rocketmouse at archlinux ~]$ cat /usr/bin/firefox
exec /usr/lib/firefox/firefox "$@"

Ok, that's on Arch Linux, but regarding
I suspect it's the same for Ubuntu 16.04.

> And it is probably even more important for people who need to 
> keep their p??n connection functional

For this kind of art work the best choice probably is to use
google-chrome (not chromium, firefox, qupzilla, falkon), since
google-chrome offers the best compatibility with tube channel videos.
Regarding inspecting a history falkon is way better than firefox and
google-chrome are. This not necessarily is interesting to view this kind
of art work, but also for other browser usage.

If you click a link in the firefox history, as well as in the
google-chrome history and you wish to continue with the next link in the
histroy, you can't without searching again, since they don't stay at the
history position, they update the history cursor position to top of the
list. Very old firefox release did stay at the history position.
Qupzialla and Falkon still stay at the history position.

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