Firefox 67.0 NOT WORKING

Ralf Mardorf silver.bullet at
Thu May 23 06:47:38 UTC 2019

On Thu, 23 May 2019 08:28:45 +1000, Karl Auer wrote:
>Ubuntu 16.04 LTS
On Wed, 22 May 2019 16:53:44 -0400, Udvarias Ur wrote:
>I've installed Chromium


perhaps the future is Qt.

I can't comment on Firefox, since I don't have Firefox installed on
Ubuntu. However, my Ubuntu 16.04 LTS install works without issues, but
on my Arch Linux install I suffer from something that is an issue for
Ubuntu installs > 16.04, too.


Unfortunately, apps such as GIMP usually can't be replaced by apps such
as Krita. Fortunately a web browser such as Firefox could easily be
replaced by a web browser such as Falkon.

Since the OP is a Firefox user on 16.04, the OP might prefer QupZilla
over Chromium.

>= 18.04

<18.04 Falkon is QupZilla

That was my useful contribution to this topic. You could stop reading

An semi-off-topic rant:

I'm aware that Firefox is build against GTK3. I didn't run it from
command line, but the kind of issues I experience with Firefox on Arch
Linux are similar to those I experience with the mentioned GTK2 apps. On
my Arch install apps such as Claws and GIMP are a pain to use. The same
versions of Claws, at the moment it's 3.17.3, build with the same flags
(I build it myself) does run flawlessly on Ubuntu 16.04.

The problem with some bugs is, that not everybody suffers from those
bugs, using the same application with the same versions of
dependencies, even not when using the same distro. OTOH some users
suffer from the same bug, even using different distros. My guess is,
that it is related to the desktop environment and/or window manager, as
well as to the used hardware.

A few day back I run the Qt app Polyphone from command line, I got the
messages mentioned by the launchpad bug report, too, but the app
continues to run flawlessly.

In short, for some users recent Linux installs are broken, for other
they aren't. I stopped reporting those bugs, since I experienced way
too many distro maintainers and upstream developers, that were more than
just a little bit impolite when we discussed this kind of bugs.

For most music production applications I already migrated from Linux to
Apple, to get rid of too much software and hardware issues and too many
unfriendly people.

There still is hope for Linux regarding "averaged" desktop usage, such
as office work, web browsing and fortunately not everybody is unfriendly
and ignores such issues. Walter for example tries to find out why some
GTK2 apps fail. If you experience the same consider to report it to
launchpad. I for the moment decided to stay with 16.04.

On my machine, on Arch Linux, most GTK2 and some GTK3 apps I need suffer
from voodoo issues. Qt apps don't suffer from voodoo issues, they could
suffer from bugs, too, but just from bugs that aren't that mysterious.

I have a concern regarding Qt apps. GTK apps often rely on GVFS, but
GVFS could cause issues. In my case GVFS makes an external green drive
spin down and up again and again. Fortunately I don't need GVFS and it's
easy to remove GVFS to get rid of this issue. After starting some Qt
apps, for example K3b, the green drives suffers from spinning down and
up, too and unfortunately I couldn't solve this issue, I need to
restart the computer to get rid of it.


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